So, I'm sitting here with a new Kronos88...knocking out string parts right and left that I can't play on my VSL VI. Yet...VSL sound better once you split it all into voices and program keyswitches--but, the problem is, I am not coming up with ideas without using a hardware unit that's programmed to PLAY.
I was just wondering if everyone has to use hardware units to get the rough idea...then maniuplate the MIDI to get VSL to appropriately respond...or if you've come up with custom patches that are more playable. I mean-this guy has a ribbon controller, sliders/knobs, two joysticks...but, the biggest issue I have is that it doesn't sharpen the attack when I hit the key harder. I've tried mapping velocity to global attack, but with the sustain articulation, there's really not much there...but, switching to a harder attack articulation, the note won't sustain out...
Seems like we could collectivey some up with a kind of real time playable VSL preset/matrix. Crazy flexibility in the instrument...but, I can throw out ideas right and left on the Korg or my older Roland SRX04 string card...where with VSL, everything's very awkward to play in any given articulation.