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  • Getting VE Pro to work on a network.

    For the first time I'm trying to get VE Pro to run on a network.

    The intended master is a 2.5GHz Core 2 duo MacBook Pro running OS 10.6.2,

    The intended server is a dual quadprocessor 2.93 GHz MacPro equipped with 24 GB of RAM running OS 10.6.8.

    The MacBook Pro is running in 32 bit mode, the Mac Pro in 64 bit mode.

    The computers are connected connected via a D-Link Gigabit internet switch and have manually assigned IP addresses.

    Airport is turned off so as to avoid any possibility of confusion.

    On either computer, when screen sharing is activated using the screen sharing application (found in System/Library/Core services), it works I can see all files and applications on either machine and open applications on either machine.

    I open VE Pro server (64 bit) on the Mac Peo and make sure that "advertise on local network" is checked.

    I open a predefined VE Pro template on the Mac Pro

    I open a score in Finale on the MacBook Pro and asaign VE Pro as the AU instrument.

    The plugin appears and i press "connect," but, when I do, no available servers are found.

    I would very much appreciate insight and suggestions of how to solve this problem. 

    Thanks very much,


    Please note that the description of my system in my signature is out of date, but I can't remember how to change it. ( I woould appreciate help with this too)

  • By upgrading the MacBook Pro to Os 10.6.8 I was able to get screen sharing to work reliably. The only thing is that it is not really usuable because the Mac Pro screen is shrunk to about 2/3rds of its normal size. A better solution would be to run spearate monitors for each computer. It would also help if I could get the NET MIDI built in to the Mac OS to work, so that no audio processing occurred in the Mac Book Pro - - as the MacBook Pro's ancient MOTU 828 interface is far inferior in sound quality to the newer PCI-e based MOTU 2408 in the Mac Pro. The idea would be to run a standalone of VE Ensemble Pro on the Mac Pro and access it through Net MIDI. If that didn't work, then simply going the old fashioned route and using two MIDI interfaces, one for each computer, ought to work.

    In the meantime, all this experimentation has resulted in - - or is at least temporally associated with - - a Mac Pro that no longer starts up!!! So it's off to the repair place ASAP.