Regarding point 2:
Actually, it’s the classical saxophone repertoire that consistently calls for the high notes above the written high f#. You rarely will find notes above the regular range in any jazz chart. They are excessively used in solos though, but in most cases with some kind of expressive modulation, such as starting with the plain tone and then fading in some multiphonics - which could hardly be done in a sample library - if it was, a big run for being the first to use it in a production would start - after that happened, this sample would be of no practical use (everybody would instantly recognise it).
However, in the world of the classical saxophone the high register is treated rather as a natural expansion of the instrument's range and hence there is a clear idea how a saxophone should sound up there. So for a classical-orientated library as VSL it would be logical to include the altissimo register of those instruments.