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  • Improving legato

    I have three questions and wonder if users can share some wisdom.

    1. What use do people make of the parameters within the edit cell? Attack, release, sustain etc. I find I routinely cut the volume of harmonics cells by 50% and the staccato cells by 70-80% to make them more realistic and even in volume with other articulations. And can they help with ...

    2. getting a smoother legato? This is the one articulation which isn't sounding that great to me. I should add that I am using the Vienna sounds with playback from a Sibelius score - no playing in, no keyboard, no pedals. It seems as though I can still hear individual separate notes under slurs.

    3. Does anyone know why Velocity X-fade might make dynamics not play back or play back much less obviously than without? And also not play cresc and decres hairpins?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hello Oceanview!

    I didn't find it necessary to edit harmonics patches, but whatever sounds best for you, will be fine.

    The Vienna Instruments Pro player has an option for shortening legato transitions (Advanced/Advanced/Start Offset Mode, Start Offset and Start Offset Attack). Maybe this would help you. You can try it out with the demo version of VI Pro, you have downloaded.

    Some instruments (harps, keyboards, percussive instruments) are not useful with Velocity X-Fade and therefore not prepared for that in the Sibelius sound sets. Strings, Winds and Brass should have the same dynamic range with or without Velocity X-Fade.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
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