OK, I have octave issues, I think. When I look at what is now two tracks (bass and treble) of a song I re-did strictly on piano, when I look in Cubase, I see each of the two 'staves' if you will are encompasing very regularly three octaves (ie 6 total). No one writes like that! The occasional journey into upper or lower registers, sure, but I see I am an octave freak...it's how I hear (too much Steve Vai/Eventide in the early days I guess).
How do I squish this down? I need to make my ear hear in 3-4 octaves, not 6-7 Mariah Carey/Sebastian Bach/glass breaking octaves.
Maybe concentrate on the harmony, the mode, dumb it down to 3-4 octaves and write with a mood (ie the mode) more in mind than encompassing everything at my disposal. I am super octaver freako dude right now. Geesh.
I dunno.
I could NEVER play this on a guitar. No one could I mean. It would be stupid and goofy and very bad if someone did. Blah. I LOVE what I'm writing, it sounds awesome to my ear, but unlike anything I've ever read the music for...it's just wrong. I'll make old ladies' ears bleed with this...
My cat just had an aneurysm I think...