@noldar12 said:
Not ideal, but it certainly works. Overall, the issue of II violins comes up from time to time, but based on VSL's responses, the creation of a II violin section seems highly unlikely.
No offense, but I think you're way off on this point. First, it's not just 'not ideal', but it isn't even as workable as people suggest. A cheat is still nothing but a cheat, and with it comes problems. Timbre and player performance, even in sections, is still something noticable. Finer ears hear problems with such 'cheating' methods.
The main reason why though, may not even be for it's uses but simply the high demand. Everyone is begging for divisi and Violin II. If VSL indeed comes out with a new string library, I can assure you that I myself would not buy it if those two requirements were not met. Most other users would probably agree. Why buy new if we already have the same 'limited' supply right now? If VSL comes out with a new library, and a divisi one at that... it most certainly will need a Violin II to please users. Not to mention, it would be highly un-competing to say 'Wow EW, nice... you have divisi and the like..... yeah, but we'll stick with our limited playback abilities'. There's no logic behind that if VSL is trying to make money at all.