Thank you shawn for your answer. I don't talk english very well so i can't express myself like i want about your post. I understand your idea but i find it a little bit illogical. You say that a person who wants to be a pro as a composer, make a living with this, ect, should buy the mininum, or not ''invest'' in really pro samples like VSL standard library?
Hi all
English isn't my mother tongue as well. So I'm in the same position as you are, Vincent.
Another point is, if you are a composer who has to write the music for a film for example and you know that the music will be played by a real orchestra it isn't necessary to fiddle around hours and hours until it sounds perfect.
In this situation it is may be OK when you are composing the music with Sibelius and let it play in the end your piece in a more or less good quality. You will be able to show everybody "how it could sound" in the end. So I believe: This composer shouldn't lose a lot of time and money he should go on. So an SE-Library could be enough.
But our (my) aim is not to compose music which will be played by a real orchestra afterwards. No I would like to convince people of using "my technique" instead a real orchestra. This is another situation. So it comes to a situation where music may not be static neither with the tempo nor with the dynamic. I should change articulations from one to the next tone, just in reality. In such a situation I play sometimes the first part of a crescendo (4s) and change then into a legato sample - just because it sounds as I use it. In the meantime I use the X-fading function while the tempo curve has got "high hills and deep valleys". But we know it: We use a lot of hours for getting the first 80% and then 400% for reaching a final mix (99%).
So these are maybe the two situations which sample users can be involved.
I'm just working on a famous lullaby of Switzerland "Dormabain" and because it's 24:00 in
Switzerland: here a short preview and short excerpt
(at the moment just Appassionatas, Soloviolin, some percussions and an E-Bass > a bit James Last so to say)
Have fun [;)] and good night!
Sleep well
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":