Hi Vincent. My apologies-my post upon reading it must indeed sound illogical. I should give you my context - which is I think rather personal, not necessarily the right answer for you:
First, I have no desire to enter the world of composing, say film music, in hopes that it will someday be played by an orchestra, for example. On the contrary, I very much hope that I can truly make memorable music ONLY with samples because that's what I have. Maybe the occasional singer or live guitar only...
I've seen this sentiment expressed on VI/composer/etc. forums and the responses are almost always the same: professionals almost 100% believe that samples can never be used for more than anything but a demo or a mockup. In fact many places refuse to use the word "song" when someone showcases something they wrote for some reason. So that means such people would believe I am wrong or lost to try and actually make music with samples.
So to me, if you want to be a professional, you would be entering a world where whatever you write with samples will be and is expected to be rewritten - by human players. The reason I spent all I could afford on samples is because I truly hope to make
an end product with my samples. But if I was a pro ii would probably be more fitting when just starting out to scatter resources more carefully, if that makes sense.
However, that says nothing about inspiration. If I was a pro AND made good money at it i would own the entire VSL library and others lol.
I hope my illogical post above makes a bit more sense now?