Hi all,
I've just discovered that when reducing latency settings on my DAW (Nuendo 5.5 Mac), CPU usage on my slaves ALSO increases. Now, some of you may think I should have realised this by now. Probably true, but I only discovered this after upgrading my DAW soundcards from MOTU 424s to RME Madi. As a result of this upgrade and can force my Mac to 128 sample buffer, whereas similar projects on the MOTU required 512 or even 1024.
After initially jumping for joy at this, I now see my slaves straining away too (set a 2 buffers by the way).
So my question, if I really have one, is this: supposing I switched my DAW from Mac to PC (shudder) and could start to enjoy latencies of 64 or even 32 samples (all this at 48k BTW) would my slaves in fact totally c**p out? Sorry - I mean reach operational limits?
The slaves are Macs too - and please, PC missionaries, please don't jump in with any obvious comments. (Yes, PC's have superior multi-core power scaling, ok ok, I know, I know...)
Anyway, has anyone any real-world experience of working at say 64 sample buffer with a whole chunk of VSL slave tracks pumping away?
Thanks for reading....
On a technical note, at 256 buffer on DAW, VE Pro slave is showing 60% CPU usage. At 1024 buffer on the DAW, this drops to 30%. Probably a function of the fact that VE Pro plugin ADDS buffers, not MULTIPLIES them. I think.