There's been a discussion for a few days over at VI-control - some folks have reported better performance using VE Pro w/ audio hardware and some have reported better performance over ethernet. By performance I mostly mean latency but there's a bandwidth element to it as well. I'm curious what others have experienced w/ recent hardware and what VSL thinks on the matter.
I switched over to ethernet several years ago and my overall system latency improved quite a bit - whereas my slaves occasionally had trouble running at 512 samples I got that down to 128 samples when I switched to VE Pro over ethernet. I have a total of about 150 tracks coming into my PC DAW (Cubase) from 2 i5 PC slaves via VE Pro over ethernet. My main DAW runs at 128 samples with 1 buffer to the instances on the slaves. Very heavy sample streaming from the slaves puts slave CPU usage at about 50% - 60% and DAW CPU usage at 15% - 20%. My DAW is an i7 920 w/ 24 GB RAM.
The reason for my interest is that I did that switch several years ago and haven't revisitied the audio hardware option. Perhaps things have changed over the past couple years that would get me better performance if I switched back to hardware...
Anyone tested the difference recently?