When I bounce audio in place in Logic Pro, I'm still having the issue of VEP instruments hosted on external slave computers bouncing a bit late. I have to drag them back each time to the correct starting point. If I turn off the VEP buffer in Logic, it bounces perfectly, but then my CPU goes bonkers, so I have to use the buffer. It would be inconvenient for me to turn off the buffer each time since I bounce in place so much.
Perhaps a suggestion for a future version of VEP - 'Audo turn of buffer when bounce'
VEP is not bouncing to correct time with buffer
Thanks for the help. I tried this but the offline bounce in place (with 2 buffers) is still about 7ms off. I have compensation in Logic set to (ALL). If I turn off the Vienna Ensemble buffers within the Logic AU - then it seems to bounce in time properly. But, if possible, I'd much prefer an automated solution since I bounce in place very often.