@Errikos said:
see what I did there?
lol, yes
I have three fairly simple points that I think will justify my reasoning...
Say that they make VE into a DAW or make a DAW in general. What daw isn't serve by having notation? Cubase and Pro Tools certainly have notation editors for a reason, people want them. Simply put, I would want one in a VSL DAW just the same.
Now that we've established that many DAW's have them... lets assume that the VSL DAW does also. If so, would you want it to be the exact same as the Cubase score editor? I wouldn't at all. Now, let's just say that having every Sibelius feature is not an option. It's either a Cubase editor, or one that has some of the basic Sibelius notation features that are most common in music (like slurs, hairpins, glissando's, etc). -- I'd like every Sibelius feature like you would... I simply think it's not neccesary for a DAW, but that if they did include notation, I'd like at very least more than Cubase's editor... as I described.
Now... say we have the notation editor as many want them in DAW's... and say it's better then Cubase, as many wanted and got with Pro-tools- NOW I'm simply saying... there is potential for enhanced playback compaitiliby, where VSL would know to play a glissando, to crossfade to a tremolo on tied notes that tremolo on the second note, and so on.
So if you have a orchestral oriented DAW, notation editing to me is essential. Why would VSL not have it, but Cubase does?
If you have notation for a playback engine (not a printing one), you may not need slurs, etc. but for an orchestral library it would certainly be better than not having them. And if you can make it play your samples as they should, without all the midi work involved... all the better again. This allows people to fine-tune and tweak their playback... but have a lot of work done for them automaticaly.
What about that isn't good? Nothing. Is it essential? Maybe not for all DAW's, but if there was a VSL DAW I would expect such features. If VSL only added a piano roll editor, do you think users wouldn't then ask for notation? I think they would. VSL usually does things right from the start, then adds great things continually. The notation system as I've described, seems to me to be a 'right from the start' feature for a VSL DAW.
Hopefully that helps, lol.