@clruwe said:
I need two Bb clarinets and I only have one in my library, then the KS will sound very unnatural because no two clarinet players in the world will play exactly like the next one. So, when I'm working in a sequencer (from a score that comes from a notation program), I'll just take one instrument at a time and edit the performance as if they were reading a part. Consequently one clarinet may use the KS but the other one will be shorter notes (normally the second one) so when you play them together they sound more real, more inaccurate as real musicians sound.
I don't mean to bother you more if you are busy. By all means, if you don't want to reply to this, don't feel obligated.
But... lol, I don't see any reason you couldn't still use VST expression. Whether it's Violins, clarinet, or anything. You have a single instrument. To prevent phasing issues, I use sustain instead of legato on the second instrument... then I ajust the attack and decay to sound like legato. (I only recently started playing with attack and decay... while things will take forever now, the control over the sound is phenominal and I should have a lot time ago!!)
Anyway, the point is that you get two different recordings this way, plus I mess with the filter, or eq, or other things to give them a slightly different sound... There are also plugins out there to change things up for you also, but I haven't played with them. If all VSL instruments were recorded solo and divisi sections, this would be amazing! But in the mean time, there are enough articulation choices in the basic libraries that you never really need to play the same articulation to get the same basic performance (for most instruments anyway, strings are harder, imo)
If you reply, I'm wondering if that wouldn't work for you.