@clruwe said:
So I don't see why developers can't run their own GUI on Linux.
Somehow I saw the ctrl-S reply and forgot to keep reading...lol 1) I can't believe I never considered that... Great point! 2) There are plenty of sites devoted to making things look the way you want. I agree. But personally I rarely like these gui themes, and the few that I think are good are often not 'complete' where there are parts where things don't look right, etc. I guess I'm being a bit picky there... but my main concern with GUI isn't so much personal preference, but wanting Linux to get more followers. I WANT Linux to succeed. I just worry that the development of it isn't doing a couple things right for that to happen. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd be happy to be wrong about that...lol. Yes, I went the WindowBlinds route - crashy crashy, that's for sure. I find that no one does enough for mult-monitor users. I've tried a couple programs for extending the taskbar, etc. But these programs don't maximize windows properly, etc. I've wished that Cubase and VE would have more flexibility in their window design (more so with Cubase).
Maybe OpenOctaveMidi will show promise... I hope it does. I can't remember from when I looked into it... but I thought that the Notation options (rosegarden? can't remember...) weren't up to what I wanted. I didn't like a couple things about how much work it seemed to take to get OpenOctaveMidi up and running, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. Either way, I'm glad to see some work being done there. My biggest complaint about it wasn't notation or setup though. I NEED VST EXPRESSION! lol as I don't care for the side articulation menu... I build my own instruments, with keyswitches, etc. Without VST expression, I'm very limited.
Is our OpenOctaveMidi guy still following this thread?