You can automate speed and velocity. For instance:
1. All the perf interval speed matrixes. Assign one keyswitch per matrix,the rest is automatic.
2. sfz-sffz where the cells are chosen by velocity of your playing, so it's one keyswitch for the matrix, the rest is automatic.
3.. dim me and dim str / cre me and cre str of the same length in one matrix again controlled by velocity. One keyswitch per matrix, the rest is automatic. Or you could program something like this:
dim me 1.5 s - dim str 1.5 s.
dim me 3.s - dim str 3 s
dim me 4 s - dim str 4 s
controlled horizontally by velocity and vertically by ModWheel etc. In this case you'll have one keyswitch per matrix plus ModWheel within the matrix.
But if you really really want it to be easy, get yourself Cubase, set up your vst expression maps and forget about keyswithes and controllers altogether.
You can also try Reaper. What it does is it allows you to actually write the names of articulations on the keys of the piano roll editor and those keys flash when you hover the mouse on the appropriate notes. So if you have your articulations as separate matrixes controlled by keyswitches, you can then open your MIDI clip in the In-Line editor, open it in the MIDI editor docked underneath, synchronize the cursor in both, mark the piano roll keys accordingly, and you get something similar to Cubase, but lacking more intricate and complex schemes, of course.