I'm running on a single server, using VEP as the host for my VIs. 6 instances of Kontakt 4, 1 instance with a couple of Omnispheres, and an instance of Ivory.
Everything works (although MIDI latency could be a lot better, especially to Ivory). I have 16 GB machine, a recent Mac Pro tower, and 1.1 GB is free, with another 2.43Gb inactive. Nothing else is running on the machine.
From time to time, I lose MIDI to VEP. Notes stop playing. Something seems to be hanging and interrupting the MIDI, because it always ends up coming back eventually (usually after I hit save). I get a little spurt of buffered MIDI notes, and things are fine again.
However I'm getting this problem every 3 minutes or so, and if this were a deadline, I've have big problems. Any idears??
Temporary Loss of MIDI between DP and VEP
I decided to watch Activity Monitor when this happens. It turns out, the Vienna Ensemble process is spiking to 179% of CPU. Not only that, but no other program can get cycles when this race condition occurs. Activity Monitor temporarily freezes up. Only when the MIDi buffer blurts through does Activity Monitor refresh itself, and I can see VEP spiking to 179% of CPU. This is with 7.59GB of real mem, 5.93 GB of virtual mem. I do have more memory loaded than I am using in this particular sequence (it's a big template).