@Paul said:
You could get the Special Edition FULL Library (NOT the bundle), and add the SE PLUS Strings Standard and Extended Library as download instruments from our website.
If you want the Chamber Strings exclusively, get the Chamber Strings Bundle Full Library. You can also order that from audiomidi.com.
LOL. You guys must be accountants on the side. I've filled out tax returns that were less complex. 😄
OK, let's see if I've got this straight:
Q 1. So there really is no way to save money to get SE... with the Chamber Orchestra bits... over just getting SE Bundle Full.
Q 2. If I get SE Bundle Full, is there an upgrade path to Chamber Orchestra I and II? Or would I have to start over if I find out that I need some of those articulations?
PS: One thing that has been confusing to me in our back and forth is that neither AudioMidi or Sweetwater include the 'FULL' packages in their catalog. I called both and they assume (as did I) that 'BUNDLE' and 'FULL' are one and the same thing---they did not realise the difference. Also, the folks at AudioMIDI did not realise that Extended Library Upgrade and 'Plus' Extended Library Upgrade were two separate products... they don't even have them as separate items in their catalog. So I hope you can understand at least a part of my confusion... I know you have that FLV on your site to walk people through it, but still, I'm clearly not the only one who is confused. FWIW: In English 'Bundle' and 'Full' are often used interchangeably in marketing products.