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    Unfortunately you cannot mix DVD products and download products, so this is not a good way to go.

    You could get the Special Edition FULL Library (NOT the bundle), and add the SE PLUS Strings Standard and Extended Library as download instruments from our website.

    If you want the Chamber Strings exclusively, get the Chamber Strings Bundle Full Library. You can also order that from

    Best regards,


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    You could get the Special Edition FULL Library (NOT the bundle), and add the SE PLUS Strings Standard and Extended Library as download instruments from our website. 

    If you want the Chamber Strings exclusively, get the Chamber Strings Bundle Full Library. You can also order that from

    LOL. You guys must be accountants on the side. I've filled out tax returns that were less complex. 😄

    OK, let's see if I've got this straight: 

    Q 1. So there really is no way to save money to get SE... with the Chamber Orchestra bits... over just getting SE Bundle Full.

    Q 2. If I get SE Bundle Full, is there an upgrade path to Chamber Orchestra I and II? Or would I have to start over if I find out that I need some of those articulations?


    PS: One thing that has been confusing to me in our back and forth is that neither AudioMidi or Sweetwater include the 'FULL' packages in their catalog. I called both and they assume (as did I) that  'BUNDLE' and 'FULL' are one and the same thing---they did not realise the difference. Also, the folks at AudioMIDI did not realise that Extended Library Upgrade and 'Plus' Extended Library Upgrade were two separate products... they don't even have them as separate items in their catalog. So I hope you can understand at least a part of my confusion... I know you have that FLV on your site to walk people through it, but still, I'm clearly not the only one who is confused. FWIW: In English 'Bundle' and 'Full' are often used interchangeably in marketing products.


  • Suntower,

    Here's my suggestion:

    Get the Special Edition/Special Edition Plus Bundle. It's a DVD set, and buy buying together, you save a little.

    The extended versions of both of those libraries are active for a limited time automatically. ( 90 days, 6 months, I'm not sure) During this time you can use both standard and extended versions of both libraries. At the end of this time period, if you want to continue to use the extended versions you can then buy the license for the extended versions and activate them permanently on your computer. If you didn't use the extended versions much and don't buy them, then you've saved yourself some bucks.

  • Perhaps you're right. Next confusion: where can one find the trial period length for the extended libs?

    ALSO: Can I use SE on -3- machines? (I have VEP)

  • Hi, 

    The trial time for the Extended Libraries is 30 days. 

    All VI Collections come with 1 license, so they can be used on 1 computer at a time. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Got it.

    1. Is there a discount for additional licences?

    2. Is there an upgrade path from SE to the Chamber Orchestra?  For example, it appears that the bits of Chamber Orchestra included in SE Plus do not include Bartok Pizz. is there a way to add just those missing articulations without having to purchase Chamber Orchestra separately?



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    Hello JC,

    1) There are no additional licenses available for the Special Edition.

    2) You cannot pick single articulations. Of course there is an upgrade path from the Special Edition to Chamber Strings (depending on what you have, you get a discount).

    Here are the discount details.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Another User said:

    2) You cannot pick single articulations. Of course there is an upgrade path from the Special Edition to Chamber Strings (depending on what you have, you get a discount). Here are the discount details.

    1. I'm stunned. This is such good news I have to double check: If I purchase SE Standard and SE Standard Extended Lib together, I can then get the -complete- Chamber Strings I for $55?

    2. Can I install SE on one Vienna Key and Chamber Strings I on another?



     PS: I dunno if it's just me, but the e-mail subscription thing doesn't work for me at all.

  • No, this is your discount, this means, you pay 55$ less than the normal price.

    Sorry to interupt your daydream  ...

  • Thanks, yeah, I figured... CRAP. It's just that VSL's prices are -so- much higher than the various American companies I keep thinking there -must- be some better discount. If I were looking for the more typical EPIC sound, I'd have -several- choices within my budget. <sigh> But from what I can tell there simply are no competitors to Chamber Strings.

    ---What about my other question: being able to run SE on one dongle and Chamber Strings on another?


  • Hello Suntower, 

    yes, you can have your licenses on different key (and each license can only be on 1 key). 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Holy crap! I think I'm starting to understand this scheme. (I better check my BP. :D )

    I think I'm ready to purchase SE today.

    1. My understanding is that if I get SE DVD and SE-Extended DVD, I can then get SE Plus -Download- and SE Plus -Extended- Download for just the -strings- and the two -will- work together, right?

    2. When you get SE there is a 30 day trial for -Extended- right? Is there also, a 30 day trial for -Plus- and Plus-Extended on the SE DVD?

    3. What do instruments in -Italics- mean in the descriptions?



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    Hello Suntower, 

    @Another User said:

    3. What do instruments in -Italics- mean in the descriptions?

    I guess you are referring to the description in for the Download SE, right?

    Italic is used to show the sections, like: 

    Solo Strings: 

    Violin, viola, cello, double bass

    Orchestral Strings: 

    Violin ensemble (14 players), viola ensemble (10 players), 
    cello ensemble (8 players), bass ensemble (6 players)

    Hope that helps, 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Again, my thanks for your patience. I wish I could get it all but 1k is the budget for better or worse...

    Anyhoo, as you can tell, what I'm trying to get to is a chamber orchestra... I need everything in Chamber Strings but I need only about 1/2 of what's in SE, so just to do my due diligence I'm thinking of one other alternative...

    1. Is there some page which does a comparison of the elements of Chamber Strings I vs, the bits of Chamber Strings I in SE 'Full'?

    2. There's a discount on Chamber Strings if one gets SE. But if I wanted to get Chamber Strings is there then a discount if I want to get SE later? If so, what is it?

    3. If I get Chamber Strings I, is there a subsequent discount on the download instruments (I'll need some winds and brass)

    4. Is a trial of Chamber Strings available? Or is there a 30 day trial available if I get SE?

    Believe me, I hope this is the end of the questions!


  • Any word on these questions? My dealer is clueless...

    Anyhoo, as you can tell, what I'm trying to get to is a chamber orchestra... I need everything in Chamber Strings but I need only about 1/2 of what's in SE, so just to do my due diligence I'm thinking of one other alternative...

    1. Is there some page which does a comparison of the elements of Chamber Strings I vs, the bits of Chamber Strings I in SE 'Full'?

    2. There's a discount on Chamber Strings if one gets SE. But if I wanted to get Chamber Strings is there then a discount if I want to get SE later? If so, what is it?

    3. If I get Chamber Strings I, is there a subsequent discount on the download instruments (I'll need some winds and brass)

    4. Is a trial of Chamber Strings available? Or is there a 30 day trial available if I get SE?

    Believe me, I hope this is the end of the questions!


    Thanks again,


  • 1. Yes, here on this site. Not really difficult to find.

    2. dunno

    3. No, why should there be? Sometimes there are time-limited discounts for students, sometimes there are buy 2 get one free sales though

    4. Google for "VSL exploration kit"

    5. I don’t believe you

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    @Another User said:

    5. I don’t believe you

    I dunno if yer kidding or what, but nobody enjoys this less than I. My dealer is almost useless. FWIW: I am disabled and working @ the computer for long periods is somewhat difficult. If I have trouble navigating a site (and VSL's site using frames is TERRIBLE for the disabled) I'm pretty much -screwed-. I could probably have made the decisions I need with a 5 minute chat with someone who was familiar with the product---or if the site were easier for me to use. I -thought- it was just me at first, but I've reviewed enough posts from other users to see that I've got little to feel self-conscious about. It's a complex product and sadly I took music @ school, not tax law. I do however, sincerely thank you for your help.


  • You can see what articulations are exactly in which package if you go to the product information page of the desired product, and click "sample content".

    Here's the direct link for the chamber bundle:

    and here for the SE Bundle:

    As for the exploration kit: This is the only official way to test all of the libraries. The Special Edition Bundle can be tested via

    An inofficial way would be: If you buy a Vienna Key you have demo licences of all libraries for a certain number of starts. If you know somebody who owns the chamber strings, you can install them on your computer and test them with the demo licence. After these starts have expired, you can’t use it until you buy it.

    Some dealers also have at least the SE installed on a test-machine.

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    Thank you.

    It just dawned on me what I need... a Seattle user I can bug. Does VSL have a (of course private) way to connect me with a Seattle user who might be willing to give me a demo or answer questions? I've been on both ends of this sort of interaction with with regards to double basses and classical guitars (similar: expensive product with only a few thousand users spread out all over the world.) Since the dealer can't possibly be everywhere, customers are usually more than happy to evangelize.

    Paul is this something VSL can help faciliate?

    Or is there someone out there in the Seattle area who'd be willing to open their studio to me for a few minutes and answer some questions---or even just a phone call?



    @MassMover said:

    You can see what articulations are exactly in which package if you go to the product information page of the desired product, and click "sample content".

    Here's the direct link for the chamber bundle:

    and here for the SE Bundle:

    As for the exploration kit: This is the only official way to test all of the libraries. The Special Edition Bundle can be tested via

    An inofficial way would be: If you buy a Vienna Key you have demo licences of all libraries for a certain number of starts. If you know somebody who owns the chamber strings, you can install them on your computer and test them with the demo licence. After these starts have expired, you can’t use it until you buy it.

    Some dealers also have at least the SE installed on a test-machine.