Here's what I'm trying to do: I want to have a clarinet patch with 2 articulations that are controlled by my playing velocity.
I'm using VEPro and I've opened an Vienna Instrument instance. In that instance of Vienna Instruments, I've selected "02 KLB_portado_short" in the upper slot and "03 KLB_portado_medium" in the lower slot" and I've enabled the "X button" between the 2 stacks. On the right side of the instance, I have selected "Velocity" in the "A/B Select."
My goal is to be able to swith from one articulation to the other by my playing velocity, but it doesn't seem to work correctly. Presently, it just plays the first slot no matter how hard or soft I play...I can see the velocity slider go beyond my setting (83) but it doesn't switch from A/B-Selesct.
I know this is "user error" but if anyone can help, it would be most appreciated.