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  • Vienna Ensemble vs Cubase 5 noob question :)

    Hi there ! It's my first post here. My questions will be for people that are familiar with cubase. I recently purchased the Vienna ensemble pro / epic orchestra bundle. I'm using cubase 5 as my host software. I'm currently working on an orchestral composition and I would like to know how it is best to use Vienna Ensemble as a VST. Here's the thing. I've been using another orchestral library "Garritan Personal Orchestra" and the way we can set up instruments to play is somewhat similar to every of these orchestral librariy VSTs out there. I have been trying to open ONE vst, for example Garritan. I can set up to 8 instruments in it and then assign a bunch of midi tracks to these channels. Thus I have one vst controlling 8 instruments. BUT, I hate that in cubase, because a midi channel does not have an audio channel associated with it. You can hardly put sends-revebs / and just mix the volume levels and automations... So I figured I should use instrument tracks instead of midi tracks, since they DO have an associated audio track with them, for an easier mastering, etc. Here's the problem. When opening a new instrument track, you can't assign it's channel to another VST already in your list. You can only open a NEW vst. So now, all of my instruments tracks have their own VST with only one instrument in it, each. I get the feeling that this should not be the "lightest" of choices (CPU/ram wise)... having one VST opened for each tracks. But this way I can at least do a fine mastering work... This is the exact same thing for my Vienna ensemble. It seems I can add in an opened vienna, about 30 or so instruments. How then is it best to do them ? Having midi tracks assigned to them ? Or using instrument tracks and having different vienna VSTs opened for each ? (with only one instrument in them) Is there a way to assign all my INSTRUMENT tracks to only ONE vienna vst, (which would be holding multiple instruments in it) Gosh sorry for the long post. I hope I made myself comprehensible. Thanks a lot :)

  • and.. I really don't know why my post went out having no space between paragraphs at all, which I know I did. This is unreadable.. lol

  • Okay I'd like to point out one thing I noticed. For some VSTs, midi tracks simply sucks, for the reasons I already pointed. But in Vienna, it seems that it would not be as pointless to assign midi tracks to the instruments (all of them being hosted by ONE opened vienna) because you actually have a mixer inside the vst. So you dont need cubase's mixer at all, and probably even need cubase's sends effects.. I may have answered my own question. But feel free to give me your inputs and tips. :)

  • change the parameter "Content Editor" to "ENHANCED" in your user setting

  •  This is not a VSL question, it is a series of basic Cubase questions, so I'll do my best:

    1. Instruments tracks are for one instrument only, so if you want to use multi timbral VSTi you must load them in the VSTi rack (F11)
    2. Whilst a MIDI channel doesn't have an audio track associated with it (why would it, it's a MIDI tracks...!) if you are routing MIDI to your VSTi in the rack, there will be a VSTi Output in the project that you can use for sends, FX, volume changes etc.
    3. If you need more VSTi outputs then click the little black triangle next to the VSTi name in the VSTi rack and all the possible extra outputs from your sample player will be revealed.
