I agree 100% with you about Finale.
Does the ribbon solve everything? Absolutely not. The keypad is horrible. They coule have easily kept the same keyboard shortcuts and implemented either a ribbon section for inputting notes (like notion has) or something similar. They could have even done something else. They could have even let users choose between the ribbon, keypad, or other in the 'user preferences'. Any improvement would have been good. The ribbon is only meant to solve one specific thing in programming, and it does that very well. AVID's problem is that 1- the ribbon is a VERY easy thing to implement, so the fact that it is their primary 'new feature' is unacceptable. 2- while the ribbon solves many problems, they simply took no time to address some of the major problems in Sibelius, as you mentioned (keypad, etc.)
[quote=CLAUDE MARC BOURGET]Notion 3 I think is the future.
Yes and No. I agree in that what notion3 does, that no one else attempted, is the right way. It is good and solves many issues. However, you may not know this but notion has become a secondary program now. They have decided to slow development on notion, in favor of the ipad app. This is the worst news I could have heard. No more notion? It's horrible! We finally got a good thing (although it still needed more work, like notion4 or notion 5) but now that may never happen. Horrible!
[quote=CLAUDE MARC BOURGET]I created a thread under 'Vienna Instruments and Ensemble' titled "VSL DAW anyone?" Where several people are debating whether VSL should create a DAW, as Vienna Ensemble is already 1/2 of a DAW already. And the idea of VSL creating some sort of notation editor in that DAW, or a standlone notation editor- we have talked about that. If VSL made a notion program there are a lot of potential benefits as they could integrate playback very automatically, saving users a lot of time. I even list examples of how. The thread is more DAW focused than notation, but you may find it interesting.
No worries about your English. I know people who natively speak English who make less sense than yourself. [;)]