I just bought overdrive guitar, downloaded it, installed it. But it won't show up as a choice when I open an instance of Vienna Instruments player. Why is this? It shows up in the Directory Manager and the path appears correct. As far as I can tell everything says it's installed and available yet it's not showing up like all the other instruments I have installed in the same place. Can somebody please help me?
[SOLVED] My new instrument won't show up - need help.
Oftentimes, if you are running a very old version of the License Control Center, the LCC's database may not be up-to-date with the currently accepted licenses; thusly it may not "see" your license for OD Guitar because it doesnt even know it is supposed to exist. What version of LCC (or "eLC" as they now call it) is currently installed on your system?
I already went and got the latest version of the elicenser6.3.1.1066. So I'm ok there. Also the OD shows up in the license control software and it shows up on the left side of an instance of Vienna Instrument Player as a license that is installed on this computer. It just doesn't show up on the right where you choose presets, matrixes or patches.
Hello mahag,
make sure that you are using the latest versions of VSL software.
Additionally, I´d erase all folders in the Directory Manager and add all sample content folders again, just to make sure that all paths are correct.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
I am having exactly the same problem. Downloaded newest versions of software (VI Pro, eLicense, downloadmanager), repaired permissions after install, run the directory manager (which appears to being doing nothing). I am on OS X 10.6.8.
Hi mahag,
I may jump in for Paul here...
Thank you for the screenshots!
VSL5.tiff tells me, that you have in fact not yet installed Overdrive - the CAB files are only the downloadable archives, not the installed collection.
Please launch the Library Installer from /Applications/Vienna Instruments Pro/ and point it to the package.info files you have in the OD VSL folder on 2nd HD - you will have to install both Standard and Extended Content one at a time, but please install them to the same location.
renske_6234: Please launch Directory Manager, remove all eventual entries and reassign your Sample Data folder(s) directly from the Finder/Explorer by Drag & Drop(!) - does that make a difference?
Best, Marnix
I have two instances of the directory manager. The old one, that came with the original Vienna instruments software works. The other one that comes with VI pro doesn't. It is in the VI Pro I want the new instrument to open. I am half way, so to say.
I am afraid your suggestion didn't work for VI Pro.
Hi renske,
Please update your eLCC and all your VSL Software, then restart your computer. We have improved our copy protection to give you faster load times, the re-start will make sure that there are no processes running in the background.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hi Paul,
I had already done that. I found the cause and solved it: I restored permissions from my admin account. Instruments now show up as expected.
Thank you.