Does anyone know how to re-route individual VE Pro audio from a channel on a server machine back to my main computer into Logic? In other words, let's say I have some EastWest strings playing on 1 channel of VE Pro on a separate computer but I want to process that track's audio in Logic with a plug-in that is only authorized on my main computer?
I know that I could just take the MASTER track and process the audio there, but I want to be able to route back each individual channel for custom processing.
Re-routing VE Pro server audio back
Actually, the manual doesn't tell me how to create in input in Logic that will receive the audio, so I am still stuck. Anyone know how to do this in Logic?
Doesn't it state this on page 32 of the manual? I use Cubase, which does it differently, but it looks like it's a matter of going to your mixer, locating the audio instrument channel, clicking on the "+" button to add more channels, and assign your channels in VEP to the respective outputs. Doing it from scratch, it just looks like you create an instrument channel, in the I/O section select VEP and your desired outputs. Like I said though, I'm a Cubase user. Just going by the manual. Mike@VoicOfReason said:
Actually, the manual doesn't tell me how to create in input in Logic that will receive the audio, so I am still stuck. Anyone know how to do this in Logic?