Well I’m not sure this is relative to VIP or relative to each individual library, and how the individual samples are edited.
I loaded up some Appassionata violins and alternated between different patches all playing the note E4, and noted the levels in db(RMS and Peak in a Logic Multimeter). 1st at Velocity X-fade 20, then at 110. Patches used are
1 Sus Vib Strong
2 Perf Legato 4 velocities
3 Stacc
4 détaché
5 Pizz.
6 Trem
Vel X-fade 20
1 (sus) -22db
2 (leg) -17db
3 (stacc) -17b
4 -19
5 -25
6 -20
Vel X-fade 110
1 -25db
2 -26
3 -15
4 -24
5 -28
At Vel X-fade 110, when I go from 2 short notes (stacc then detache) the second is 9 db louder. I really can’t believe my ears. This really isn’t acceptable (or am I missing something?). That’s why I’m having to insert automation data note by note. And going from Sus to Legato at low level (Vel X-fade 20) there’s a huge jump, while at Vel
X-fade 110 it was smooth. Why haven’t all patches at corresponding velocity layers been brought to the same levels?
Let’s forget the pizz and Sfz, but shouldn’t sus, legato, stacc, detache, trem, trill, have very close levels, allowing us to just draw in a bit of phrasing with the Exp-VelXfad faders, and the rest just sounding musically correct?
Can someone from VSL please chime in and maybe tell me where I’m going wrong, or maybe what could be done? [B]