It sounds like you want something like FXTeleport. The product already exists, but comes with a number of downsides. Doing processing on one machine and gui on another gives birth to several problems. First of all, the gui protocol is limited to a set of parameters (in case of FX-teleport, VST-Parameters). Any complex gui-core interaction like that in VIPro, or just a regular audio meter, just don't work. Second, the audio streams would have to be separate from instance to instance, which creates a network overhead and lowers total throughput. Third, the level of interaction (shortcuts, window handling etc) which is possible in a plugin window is a fraction of what a real application can do.
The Audio Unit plugin standard was written with over-network hosting in mind, some of Logic's plugins are usable on "node slaves", while presenting the gui on the master machine. You won't see any more complicated multi-platform plugins running this way however, pretty much all developers I know uses memory pointers to gain direct access to core information from the plugins gui. Simply because it is easy, fast and works on all platforms and plugin formats.
VEPro was actually developed with all of this in mind - to offer a greater control over plugins and instruments, since the hosting in most sequencers usually ends up in a constant-moving-around-of-plugin-windows-madness-soup. VEPro, if used properly, will definitely increase the overview of your orchestra, whether used on a slave over RDC/VNC/ARD or hosted locally.