Hey everyone, this is a bit OT for the VSL forum, hope thats ok... but I just wanted to post here that if anyone wants to know the real reason why the cost of VSL libraries is going up in USD, there is a fantastic short and very funny documentary / animation that everyone should see - not just Americans, all about bank fraud... It's called the American Dream, really good. :-)
Rising costs in USD and "The American Dream"
I am wondering, whether I can contribute to that issue by the following link:
The most effective solution I have thought and heard of are negative interests in combination with tolls on goods, services and money.
All the western nations were built without taxation, because they had no corrupt fraudulent private central banks to have to pay interest on currency borrowed into circulation. They functioned on an old fashioned thing called money. Money by definition has inherent value - fiat "by decree" paper money does not. Therefore it does not qualify. There is a reason why countries such as Australia, USA etc, have it in their constitution that old gold and silver can be used as "MONEY" but it doesn't say other "CURRENCIES" cannot be used. Currency is different. If we take back the power of printing "currency" as opposed to money from private central bankers, who should not by any rights other than their own megalomaniacal dreams have this power any more than anyone else, and return it to the stern and transparent oversight of the people, the wars could not go on, inflation could barely exist if at all, because none of it could be paid for by simply printing money. Governments could not engage in massive social programming and conditioning, and all these other programs they claim are necessary, like radiation body scanners at airports and groping. I mean, the nuclear weapons that cover the globe could 99% not have been paid for, if at all, if it were not for private central banks counterfeiting currency to pay for them. If you take away all the corrupt corporations resources and power, they will buy it back tomorrow with the stroke of a pen, because that's the power we've given them by acquiescing silently to what they do. IT is wrong and it is the cause in my opinion of 99% of the worlds ills including globalisation, inflation, poverty, starvation, war, a corrupt pharmaceutical establishment and the evisceration of freedoms around the world, including the US, Australia, Canada, and other western nations - not to mention Britain, a veritable camera ridden police state. Without private central banks ripping us off, interest is not necessary on a free public function - currency in circulation - there's no more speculation and massive corruption the rigged crony markets, and free markets and choice will actually exist properly again. The federal reserve is not federal and has no reserves, it funds all the worlds governments including dictators like Gaddafi, who they prop up and then say "look at the bogey man we must go after him" and then they take over another country for oil, when they put him there in the first place, I argue, for precisely the purpose of invading under the ruse of humanitarian causes, while bombing civilians - men, women, and children.
I bring all this up on the VSL forum because when I saw the price rise in USD, to my mind at least, ultimately the private central banks and their inflation causing printing of currency without accountability is the cause.