Maybe this post should be elsewhere, but given the requests for more non vibrato patches in this part of the forum I posted it here.
So herewith an attempt to implement VSL non vibrato solo violin patches (! yes patches) in the (of course) solo violon part of one of my favourite pieces of Bach: "Erbarme dich". My singing capabilities are to be neglected usually, so I replaced that beautiful alto part with a nice oboe d'amore (with a little vibrato however).
My aim was to have some baroque string idiom in performance as well as the typical sound. I transposed the piece a half tone downwards to have the baroque tuning.
So follow this link and hopefully enjoy (but "don't shoot the piano player", since VSL still doesn't offer the baroque gut stringed instruments, which is a big pity so far, IMHO). So this might be a hint again!
As usual: comments are very welcome!