I thought I wrote a thread about this but cannot find it - maybe it's in another section - if so, my apologies.
I have written to VSL support about this to try and find out the answer, but thought I would post on the forum as well just to try and see if anyone else is having this problem.
I'm finding that if I have various instances within the VE Pro 64bit server loaded, obviously I can freeze those within Logic or Cubase, and they should cut the CPU of those specific instances to zero, but that is not happening. Although the CPU load goes down with each freeze, the more instances I have open (but frozen) there seems to be some kind of latent cpu drag going on even when they are switched off / frozen - and this is building up to the point where even when all 6 - 7 instances are frozen, it is dragging so much on the CPU that it cannot play back. The solution to this is to set a larger buffer size in Cubase / Logic, but this shouldn't need to happen. I'm one of those people who likes low buffer times so I can perform parts more accurately.
Isn't it right that if you freeze and instance, it should more or less cut that instances CPU drag to zero - ?
The only plug ins I'm using are VSL suite plug ins, and a couple of instances of SSL, but even with none of those there is still a problem. I'm having the same problem when freezing instances of VI Pro within Logic or Cubase - once I get to a certain number of instances, the latent cpu drag from all of them just being there, even those frozen, seems to build up until the machine is unuseable. With any other software instrument, you would normally get nearly 100% of your cpu back when freezing, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I've been told this is unusual - anyone else having this problem?