Hey all,
I downloaded the trial tonight on Mac/64 bit 10.6.7. One computer.
So I've got 32 bit working with Play (choirs), and 64 bit working with others, and all brought into Cubase 4/64. But unless I load certain things in a certain order, I get no connection. For example, I had it working perfectly, a 64 bit VEP and 32 bit VEP in Cubase 64, Play on 32, got the channels working, saved everything. Restarted. Loaded up Cubase and opened the project but now no instances show up, the project is fine otherwise, it just doesn't connect.
So it seems I need to boot these things in a particular order, and I can't figure it out. Any suggestions?
Also, should the trial include Epic? I am definitely buying VEP but would like to sample Epic as it's between that and purchasing the Extended stuff that I didn't choose to buy when I bought the Special Edition. Or both, who knows lol. I love the samples, nice and clean:)
Thanks all:)