Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @devastat said:

    Hey Paul, what about Hollywood Brass then that's coming out tomorrow, I am really interested to know what do think about that - no Hollywood sound?

    I haven't heard it but it's a load of fucking sales nonsense. Hollywood Brass? It's bollocks although it may sound great. Hey, what do I know.[:^)]

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    @PaulR said:

    Hollywood Brass? It's bollocks although it may sound great. Hey, what do I know.
    Go and watch the videos: - These Brass really got some balls!

  • If the name of the product is really that annoying, then ignore it.  It's just a sample library, judge it on how good it is, not whether you like the name or not.

  • I don't agree.  I think they sound better than EWQLSO to be sure but they still sound like samples.  And as a very long time EW enthusiast, I'm not buying this now although I won't rule out later on.  I have Dimension Brass and CineBrass which are fine for my needs.  

    I still like Dimension Brass' way of tackling divisi, something neither CB nor HB has approached with the same elegance (although Mike from CS says CB PRO will have a nice divisi).  

  • Yeah, Dimension Brass are awesome and together with the other solo and ensemble VSL brass create a hugely powerful library.  For example - with the Cube you have - 6 trumpets, 3 trumpets, solo trumpets (many variations including totally redundant vibrato-/non-vibrato/progressive vibrato legato, sustain, staccato, etc. which effectively form completely separate instruments), cornet, bass trumpet, and then added on to that the Dimension trumpets with each player alone or any combination - it is unbelievable the amount of sound and power that depth of sampling gives.  And that's just trumpets.  The same thing is true of horns and trombones, and ad on tuba, contrabass tuba, cimbasso, Euphonium, Wagner horn -  you name it - it is a fabulous profusion of sounds. So that is why I still am enthusiastic about the Vienna brass beyond all the others.

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    @mike connelly said:

    If the name of the product is really that annoying, then ignore it.  It's just a sample library, judge it on how good it is, not whether you like the name or not.

    I have something called Special Brass and Epic Horns. For some reason neither of those descrpitive names bother me in the same way that "Hollywood" brass does. If you were to say hollywood brass to somone in England who had no idea or interest in sample libraries, they would think you were talking about prostitutes wandering around the Hollywood area of Los Angeles. Or if indeed they were into making noises with sample libraries, they may be stupid enough to think that this will somehow make them into wonderous orchestrators and writers of hollywood genre music overnight at the cost of a few hundred dollars. OK?

    On a different note, I watched and listened to the 4 videos, not that I am in anyway interested or sure that anyone else cares about personal conclusions of other so-called musicians around the net, but some of the sounds were good, especially the tuba which to me was quite strong, Some of the portato trombone sounds were very Hermannesque sounding if that's what you want and so on. I don't see how much better any of this sounds compared to what is already available. Also, am I right in concluding these sections are pre-panned? That's not great if that's correct.

  • Hollywood is a location in california, it's where the library was recorded.

    Vienna is the location where the VSL library was recorded.

    I don't see why one is any more bothersome than the other.

    HB comes with multiple mic positions.  The far ones are recorded with the musicians in place so they're pre panned, and the close mics are not pre panned.

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    @PaulR said:

    Also, am I right in concluding these sections are pre-panned?
    The samples are pre-panned (except for close mics) so that you have the instruments in the right positions in the mix when you have your pan set to center. However you can change this and pan everything as you wish. I've had this library for one day now and I love the sound. The dynamic range is mindblowing in these samples.

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    @William said:

    For those who don't remember, Mike Connelly pointed out that brass universally play legato slurs with absolutely no audible partials - if they are good players.

    Not what I said at all.  You said that it's impossible for brass instruments to play slurs without hearing the partials in between.  I said that while you will sometimes hear partials (depending on the instrument, the range, and the player), it's certainly possible to play slurs without partials.  And I posted a recording that proved it.

    Honestly, I have to say I'm really surprised that you'd want to bring up a discussion that ended up with egg on your face.  Let things like that go, you'll have a less angry life.

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  • I made this 30sec trailer cue today using Hollywood Brass. I think you guys gonna love it its very chugga-chugga and Zimmer like [url][/url]

  • HAhahah! Old Mike Cobelly's at it again. He's a case alright.

    How's the actual music creation going Mike? Any good?


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    @devastat said:

    I made this 30sec trailer cue today using Hollywood Brass. I think you guys gonna love it its very chugga-chugga and Zimmer like

    It's crap.

    I spent 7 hours sitting on the bog the other day with an acute attack of gastro enteritis - and that's what I more or less sounded like. You could have got a better sound miking me up with some decent recording equipment and cutting it to the scene later.


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    @PaulR said:

    I spent 7 hours sitting on the bog the other day with an acute attack of gastro enteritis
    I knew you would love it, that's why I posted it up - just for you mate.

  • Boy am I glad I'm not on the receiving end of your razor-sharp Brit tongue Paul [B]

    I must admit I also relished the track enormously (although I'd have to wait for Paul's suggested muck-up/mock-up to compare), particularly the obliggatory Cinescamply upward woodwind run at about .20"... Is there anything that is VSL in there? But I must say, I was impressed with the anvil/hammer sound, what library was that from?

  • That's just normal banter for around these here parts Erik. Never want to take it to heart or too seriously and as long you are making money out of rubbish - how can anyone complain?

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    @Errikos said:

    But I must say, I was impressed with the anvil/hammer sound, what library was that from?

    I must admit I am not very happy with the woodwinds I currently have (not VSL). I am eagerly waiting for companies like Cinesamples, Audiobro and EW to come up with their woodwinds libraries. I am sure VSL woodwinds is the best you can have at the moment, its a bit too expensive for me to get right now..

    I have layered quite a lot of different things from various sources in the hammer type percussion hits and such.. There is some stuff from Sonokinetic Tutti, Spitfire Percussion and then some Tonehammer percussions..

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    @Another User said:


    Again, I never said it was.  I simply said that slurs can be done without hitting the partials between the notes, which is absolutely true as shown by the example I posted.  You're the one who compared it to a smooth glide or synth portamento, not me.

    I have to say I'm baffled why you'd even bring up a thread from months ago on a completely unrelated topic.  I'm not interested in debating it all over again, the old topic is still there if anyone wants to go read it.  But if you're going to put words in my mouth I'm going to correct those falsehoods.

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