@devastat said:
I have to say that the fact is that there isn't anything even close to Hollywood Strings on the market right now when it comes down to a true "Hollywood" John Williams type sound.
What is that, exactly? A Tchaikovsky type sound? A Korngold type sound? A Vaughn Williams type sound? John Williams' "sound" is DIRECTLY derived from those composers, as well as other famous concert composers. Your statement is absolutely false because the real reason for John Williams' "sound" is his use of strings in the style of those great composers, and the only way you can do that with sampling is not with some "Hollywood" sound out of a box - which does not exist at all and is an illusion you have bought into - but with extreme, detailed sampling of all articulations of great players, which VSL has a huge advantage in with its methodical approach and highly varied ensembles.