Can anyone help. I can't find any posts from anyone with the same problem. I've just started using Vienna Ensemble Pro across a network to a Server on another Mac.
I'm using Protools and yesterday I tried to re-open a session and Vienna server refused to open on my second mac with all my Vienna patches and Virtual instruments and I couldn't connect. All my other sessions open and connect perfectly normally. Now the weird thing is I had a version A and B , 2 different Pro Tools sessions. Version A couldn't connect to the server (across my network to the second Mac) and Version B was fine. I deleted all the midi tracks in Version B and imported all the midi tracks and tempo, key sig etc into the session from A to try to recover it (the instruments and patches in Vienna were almost identical between both versions ). THis worked ok, but when I then closed and re-opened this session, bearing in mind it's basically Version B with the midi tracks imported from A, it still wouldn't load Vienna - back to the same problem ??
Can anyone she any light on this ? - I'm using the latest version on Vienna Ensemble Pro and Pro Tools 8.1
Thanks !