@Arnold Veeman said:
Hi Beat and Goran,
What I try to achieve is something similar as the Dimension Brass DVD. I found out what that is yesterday.
What I want is to load different solo trumpet matrices into 1 VI Pro device in order to let them play together when there is a unison section and that they play apart when there is a divisi section in my score.
There must be a way to do that, but do I have to reinvent the wheel? I hope not, that's why I am asking.
Hi Arnold
Andrey has already explained one possibilty. There is, I believe, an another one (I never needed to do this myself, but if I have properly understood the principles on which the slot voice section in VI PRO works (with, of course, voicing activated), it should function).
In your first matrix, set all slots with patches in them to play the first note only (don't forget to activate voicing). Be sure to do this for all patches you want to play one voice at a time only)
In your second matrix, you'll need two different cells for each set of patches you want to play both in unisono and the second voice in divisi. For the first set of such cells do as with the first matrix (this set of cells will play unsiono, but won't play the second voice in divisi). For the second set of cells, all slots have to be assignd to voice 2 (this set plays only second voice in divisi).
Use keyswitches in the MIDI track to toggle between set 1 and set 2 of cells of the 2nd matrix (set 1 should be activated for unisono, set 2 for divisi).
Important: for this to function properly, you also have to make a 2nd set of cells identical to the 1st set of cells in the 1st matrix and make it react to the same keyswichtes as the 2nd set of cells of the 2nd matrix (as both matrices react to the same MIDI track with the same keyswitches). If you don't do this, the first matrix wont play the first note of the divisi when the second matrix plays the second.
Tell me if it worked...