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  • Unclear about the Vienna Key

    I am sure this answered somewhere, but what I have read so far is unclear. Can you run software like the Vienna Ensemble Pro or instruments like the Epic Orchestra on more than one computer at any one time? For example, if I have the above on my desktop can take the key and run the same software and instruments on my laptop if I am traveling? This is how Pro Tools, for example, works. But some things I read about VSL suggest maybe I can't do that? It was at least unclear from what I read.

  • Hello Mumba,

    You need a license and a ViennaKey to run any of our products on any computer. All you need on any computer is the latest software and the sample content to be installed.

    1 license only works on 1 computer at a time.

    With our software products VE PRO, VI PRO and Vienna Suite you get 3 licenses. VE PRO also includes 1 license for Epic Orchestra.

    Our Vienna Instruments products come with 1 license for each product.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • What happens if you license key stops working? I'm not talking about losing it, I'm talking about it becoming corrupted in some fashion. There's really no way to back up these license keys, right? Being able to backup a key defeats the purpose of the key in the first place!

  • Hello corte1,

    The most valuable part of our products is the license which is stored on the dongle/key. We don't have access to the licenses on the keys of our users, so we're not able to restore and/or transfer any lost or stolen license to a new key. Also, a online backup is technically not possible. Whoever steals or finds the key can use the license without any restrictions.

    Users who lost the key (or whose key has been stolen) will have to purchase a new license. What we can offer our users to meet them halfway in this situation is a replacement license at the reduced price of 50% of the full price of the licensed product(s).

    Basically every user is responsible for his keys and licenses himself, we're not obliged to replace any lost or stolen keys at all, like e.g. lost or stolen jewelry wouldn't be replaced unless it's insured. That's why we recommend to insure all products you licensed.

    In case a ViennaKey is damaged, users have to send it to our office in Vienna to enable us to take a look at the kind of the damage.

    If the user damaged the ViennaKey, he will of course have to pay for the new ViennaKey, a handling fee for the new licenses (EUR 20.00 per contained license) and post and packaging. Please note that we will of course only restore those licenses that were stored on the damaged ViennaKey. If a ViennaKey is registered, it's a lot easier for us to find out which licenses were stored on the Key.

    If the ViennaKey breaks within the warranty period (usually two years) without extraneous cause, you'll get the new ViennaKey and the new license for free. This does not apply if the key is not a ViennaKey.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hmmmmm.......I've spent about $5,000 on Vienna Libraries. I hate to think my entire investment is contained on a single key. There's got to be a better way - makes me a bit nervous. I only use VSL on a single computer, hence my key is always plugged in, but these things don't last forever. Sounds like a real pain in the rear if they stop working for some reason. I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

  • Hi corte1,

    We are using many keys here, many of them are always on the road. As they are precious items, we are of course careful (like with anything else thatĀ“s precious).

    You can always get a new eLicenser key every 2 years (thatĀ“s the warranty period) and simply move your licenses from one key to another, if that makes you feel safer. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I hadn't considered that option. Thanks, Paul!

  • I just did that myself.  Bought a new one to get back on the warranty.  It took me hardly no time at all to complete the move.  You literally just plug both dongles in your computer, and drag and drop the licenses from one to the other inside the elicenser software.  It really is that easy.


  • Hello Paul,

    Some days ago I bought a new  key just following your indication but when it arrived I didnā€™t see any indication of warranty date. How can I read the warranty date of the key? Is it wrote inside the key? Is it accessible to users?



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    @cgernaey said:

    I just did that myself.  Bought a new one to get back on the warranty.  It took me hardly no time at all to complete the move.  You literally just plug both dongles in your computer, and drag and drop the licenses from one to the other inside the elicenser software.  It really is that easy.


    Do the keys really sometimes simply give out after a couple of years? Is there really a reason to buy a new one every two years? I have two, mostly just to have solo violins on one computer and Chamber II on another at the same time. One key is from 2009 and the newest is only two or three months old. Both registered here. Other than if they're stepped on or run over by a truck, do they really just die? Is there a different strategy I should have going here? Maybe a third key sitting around?

  • Hi,

    The warranty is two years on ViennaKeys, so make sure that you keep the receipt.

    Keys donĀ“t "just die", IĀ“ve had mine for 5 years now, and iĀ“m also travelling a lot... But you should of course be careful with it, of course. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • It's a ridiculous situation, that you have a little plastic dongle containing all the license information. 

    in my case, I thought I had lost mine, and it would have meant buying new licenses for over 3000 euros worth of instruments. 

    Surely, there must be a better way????

    As a comparison, I also use Melodyne, and i can only use it on 2 computers. Each computer is registered with Celemony, and i cannot use any other computers with the license. 

    A little dongle is so easy to lose, and so far, I cannot find a way to back up all the information, should the dongle be lost or stolen. 

    If there quality of the sample weren't so exceptional, then I would have chosen another company. I believe VSL is the best, but the dongle system is the worst.