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  • Hybrid Reverb

    Is the new Hybrid Reverb will be integrated in the current Vienna Suite bundle for current users?



  • Hmmm....

    Convolution early reflections, mixed with and algorthymic tail is exactly what Altiverb 7 was announced to do (over 18 months ago). Iā€™m wondering if this will be new IRā€™s (with respect to the Convo reverb) and how the stage placement will work.

    Will this maybe give us the sound quality of MIR with less flexability?

  • Thanks for your interest! There are indeed many new IRs in Hybrid Reverb, mostly (but not only) to trigger the algorithmic engine. The goal of this brand new plugin is not the replacement of MIR ;-) but the option for adding new colors and especially animation to a convolution reverb.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Apparently QL Spaces just announced 64 bit (Mac). ĆÆ'd love to get info on this new Hybrid before any purchases.  [au]

  • The official release of Vienna Hybrid Reverb should take place before the end of May. Tutorial videos and demos are already in the make, too.

    Hybrid Reverb will be a new addition to the Vienna Suite plugin bundle, and if I'm not mistaken, existing owners of a Vienna Suite license will get it for free (... we will have to wait for the official announcement to see if this initial idea survived the considerations of our marketing department, though ;-) ... ).


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @jammusique said:

    Apparently QL Spaces just announced 64 bit (Mac). ĆÆ'd love to get info on this new Hybrid before any purchases.  


     I was looking at the new UAD Lexicon reverb, which loosly got my attention, although it seems a bit expensive for what it achieves, then out of the blue comes the Hybrid Reverb, so that stopped me looking at the UAD, and then the words "free to Vienna Suite" users !  and only up to 11 days away...


    Maybe VSL could try a new concept to appease the sales department, don't make it a free upgrade, but allow users to pay what ever they feel appropriate  (I recall REM did that with an album download once).

    I'm sure you'll all let me know if this is a crazy idea..........

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    @andyjh said:

    Maybe VSL could try a new concept to appease the sales department, don't make it a free upgrade, but allow users to pay what ever they feel appropriate  (I recall REM did that with an album download once).

    I'm sure you'll all let me know if this is a crazy idea..........

    I like the idea [H]

  • Hybrid reverb is out!

    Go get your Vienna Suite update 1.3.1585

  • Wow! What a nice surprise![<:o)] As a registered user i got to say I'm VERY happy.

    Thanks so much guys![Y]

  • Thanks VSL,

     It's really an amazing work and also dedication in the development of the entire Suite package!!

     All the best


  • Yeah, it's cool. Like all Dietz-inspired products it gets it real value from all the expert-level features included.

    You've got to carefully watch and re-watch the 2 videos to see and hear all the unusual stuff it can do. It's a real toolbox of reverb fx. It'll be a great tool for pop mixes also.

    I'm  glad I have it - even though I have MIR and hardware reverbs. Hybrid holds a special place. 


  • Hi Herb, and everyone else at VSL,

    I just want to say a big thank you for the Hybrid Reverb update for the Vienna Suite which I am presently downloading.

    That is very generous of you and I just want to say how much I appreciate this.

    best regards,

    Steve [:D]

  • +1 thanks for this update

    sounds great

    best regards


  • +1

    A lot of love to VSL. It just gets better all the time! The best plug-ins suite on the market!

    Thanx a lot


  • +1

    Thanks a lot!


  • Big cheers for Team VSL what an inspiring update to vienna suite. To think i buggered around for several hours merging reverbs and stillnot getting what hybrid reverb can do with one click lol Elite as always guys.

  • Hi everybody, 

    Thanks a lot for your great feedback!

    IĀ“d like to point your attention to our developer Martin Saleteg, the "Father of Vienna Suite"!

    While our team has been able to contribute a few ideas (and of course Dietz has spent a lot of time creating 100Ā“s of presets), he is the one who should get all the credit for these great plug-ins [D] 

    And while you check out Vienna Suite 1.3, heĀ“s probably working on our next software updates..... Watch out!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I just fired it up. One word will do. WOW [H]

  • Thank you Marin, Dietz, Paul, and everyone at VSL. Great sounding reverb with inspiring presets! i'm a big fan of the special reverb presets. It's already looking like Hybrid Reverb will be my go-to reverb for many projects in a variety of genres. Now I'm eagerly awaiting MIR Pro and all the other upcoming software releases.

  • Iā€™m lovin' the ā€Berlin Stage wideā€. And yes the presets are very good, spot on !!