I've been using VE with primarily the VSL Special Edition for some time now on a single imac with pro tools 8. My template consists of two instances of VE for my woodwinds, brass & percussion. I'm starting to wonder if it's necessary. I have a midi channel for each instrument routed to VE and back into an aux channel for each instrument so I can use my rtas plugins and presets.
Does using VE ease the strain on my CPU or am I just as well using a single instance of VI Pro per instrument in PT? I'd like to cut down on the amount of channels I'm using but don't want to have to redo all my presets(hundreds of them) in order to use VST plugins in VE.
Any ideas? Much appreciated.
To VE or not to VE
Thanks DG although I wasn't actually thinking of going for VE Pro. I can use my plug ins in a 32 bit instance of VE. I suppose a better question would be - is using about a dozen or so instances of VI Pro on separate instrument tracks in PT going to be more taxing on my CPU than using the same amount of instances split between two instances of VE, if you know what I mean?
- is using about a dozen or so instances of VI Pro on separate instrument tracks in PT going to be more taxing on my CPU than using the same amount of instances split between two instances of VE, if you know what I mean?
most probably less efficient. I noticed more efficiency in Cubase with VE2/Vienna Instruments compared to the same instruments as regular plugins, when I was using that setup.