@Another User said:
Yeah, don't do that. Keep your PT project decoupled when saving.
What? Why not? The manual says:
"Don’t forget to deactivate DECOUPLE before you save your song. This way all Vienna
Ensemble PRO information is stored in your sequencer project as a backup."
I don't know about the context that is taken out of. I am telling you the truth of how it works from my own experience. If you want the sequencer to store the information, you keep the project coupled,
per se. If it was decoupled the last time you saved it, it remembered nothing of what's in the VE Pro project; now you tell it to recouple, there's no there, there. A new instance is required. You can, however re-up the way it was connected, if you have managed to save your changes at the VE Pro/slave end (but be SURE to fully load the VE Pro metaframes before launching the seq. project or you'll get the seq. establishing new blank instances). NB: the behavior of the blank connection you found is just how it works in these scenarios. And there's no good reason I can imagine to go back and forth from couple/decouple.
If one is using really small templates in VE Pro, it may be useful to keep the projects coupled, but when the template is larger, it's a long save time, a much longer load time to have the sequencer remember/load it as opposed to the relatively much more efficient VE Pro loading/saving.
But do be consistent, couple the projects or don't. Period.