Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @cgernaey said:

    [...] Dietz, can I ask one question please?  Might it ever be possible to use our 3rd party samples such as LASS when layering with VSL, but be able to take out the panning portion of MIR's auto positioning, while maintaining the room sound?  It seems that the position of the instrument on stage affects the room sound applied to the instrument but is what I am asking possible maybe?  I am asking of course because so many companies come "Pre-Panned".  I want to blend them into the same room as my VSL sounds without panning them anymore then they are already.  You have stated many times you would prefer to blend them in outside of MIR within your DAW but I ultimately want to put everything over in MIR for simplicity sakes on my part if possible.


    Hmmm ... as you've written yourself, this goes quite a bit against the concept and underlying technical principles of MIR / MIR Pro.

    Every signal put on a MIR stage triggers the selection of the nearest sets or multi-impulse responses, depending on its position, its direction and its stereo-width. Of course it is possible to use a "General Purpose" profile and stretch its width accross the whole stage, so the inherent panning would remain somewhat intact, but still this won't be what you're aiming for:

    - The perceived stereo width is also dependant on the distance to MIR's virtual Main Microphone. The bigger the distance, the narrower the stereo image.

    - The huge stereo width won't allow for much direction control.

    - Only impulse responses recorded near the far left and right boarders of the stage will be triggered, while a proper panning would "touch" the proper positions on the stage.

    In a word - mixing your pre-panned sounds with a MIR mix externally will most likely be the better way to do it.

    BTW ... I still have a hard time to understand what's so cool about pre-panned sounds, as they cause nothing but trouble (at least in my book) ... 8-] ... panning is most likely the easiest task in sound engineering, because the effect is so obvious when you do it ...

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • It will be interesting to hear how MIR Rro handles other libraries with stage positioning (maybe the close and mid/mains, not the surround mics), and also how much life it might "add" to SampleModel instruments.

    No doubt though it will be magic for VSL stuff !!

  • What do you want to bet that it will be the best thing that ever happened to Omnisphere and other synths?

    MIR brings them to life. When MIR Pro is your hands it'll only be easier.

    This alone could be worth the price of admission to the MIR Pro club.


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    @Dietz said:

    Wether a "MIR Pro SE" will be released or not is not decided yet.

    Please 😊 For us students who have macs...

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    @Dietz said:

    Wether a "MIR Pro SE" will be released or not is not decided yet.

    Please 😊 For us students who have macs...

      "Poor students" who have the money to buy a Mac. [<:o)] [;)]

    ... we'll see what we can come up with (... but please don't take this as a promise).

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Jack Weaver said:

    What do you want to bet that it will be the best thing that ever happened to Omnisphere and other synths?

    MIR brings them to life. When MIR Pro is your hands it'll only be easier.

    This alone could be worth the price of admission to the MIR Pro club.

    You bet.

    Apart from many other sources, I'm always testing MIR with a jBridged version of my favorite synthetic drum-machine, too -> Sonic Charge's "Β΅Tonic" (pronounced "MicroTonic"). _That's_ what I call "breathing life into the machine". ;-))

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    "Poor students" who have the money to buy a Mac.

    ... we'll see what we can come up with (... but please don't take this as a promise).

    Awesome!! πŸ˜„ I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  • MIR-Pro October-2011 release seems very likely !

    Looking forward to know more about it (Soon).

  •  October issue of Sound On Sound has an advert from VSL  Best Service for VEP5 and MIR Pro.

    Where are they?


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    @kanon said:

    Where are they?

    In the pipeline. We're doing our best to make this release happen ASAP.

    Kind regards (... and off for more testing ... 8-) ...),

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    Hi A871,

    the student discounts include the existing software (VI PRO, VE PRO, Vienna Suite, Vienna MIR, Vienna MIR SE), not the upcoming VE PRO 5 and MIR PRO.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Have not read this whole thread, but will the new MIR Pro be compatible with MAC? thanks!

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    @caliopeapollo said:

    Have not read this whole thread, but will the new MIR Pro be compatible with MAC? thanks!

    In short: Yes. 😊

    You might be interested in this preliminary MIR Pro feature list: ->


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Perfect! Thank you Dietz!

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    @Dietz said:

    You might be interested in this preliminary MIR Pro feature list: ->


    Reading this list after a while again, I get the feel, with the old MIR we've had crappy stuff... 😊 Phew, these times will be over - hopefully _v e r y_ soon...πŸ˜‰ I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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    @doubleattack said:

    [...] Reading this list after a while again, I get the feel, with the old MIR we've had crappy stuff... :-)

    ... I know you well enough by now to be pretty sure that you're not serious about it, are you ...? 😊

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @doubleattack said:

    [...] Reading this list after a while again, I get the feel, with the old MIR we've had crappy stuff... :-)

    ... I know you well enough by now to be pretty sure that you're not serious about it, are you ...? 😊

    For shure, couldn't resist to make a joke about. To say it clear: I'm actually _very_ satisfied with the current version of MIR and didn't know what I could missing (exept the integration of audio-signals in a simple way of course) - until I've read this list of the upcoming MIR Pro. It's _so_ impressive and outstanding - I'm very curios specially about the second main mic, the automation including undo/redo, etc...Kind of a new era of music-production, seems to me.

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    @A871 said:

    hello Dietz, I was wondering if the current student discounts will also be available for mir pro. Or will mir pro be delayed another month because of the new discounts-month? all the best, Nils

    Sorry Nils - I somehow missed your questione (most likely because Paul was so fast with his answer 8-) ...)

    Believe me, we don't deliberately delay any release of any software, just to avoid a discount phase ... quite the contrary. If you plan to get MIR Pro, but still want to make use of the student discounts, I would suggest to get VE Pro4  and Vienna MIR for the reduced price now. Both products will be taken into account when upgrading to VE Pro 5 and MIR Pro.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    If you plan to get MIR Pro, but still want to make use of the student discounts, I would suggest to get VE Pro4  and Vienna MIR for the reduced price now. Both products will be taken into account when upgrading to VE Pro 5 and MIR Pro.

    Kind regards,


    Dietz, I've been asked this question by a few students, so it could be good to clarify that when buying MIR Pro, it is cheaper to:

    1. For existing VE Pro customers, buy regular MIR now, and upgrade both software when VEP5 and MIR Pro are released.
    2. For customers with neither, buy VEP4 and MIR now, and upgrade both software when VEP5 and MIR Pro are released


  •  Hi DG,

    everybody who has already a VE PRO and a MIR license will get MIR PRO for free.

