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  • System requirements won't change a lot for MIR Pro compared to now (->, at least not in terms of RAM and processing power. Windows 7 and dedicated audio-hardware won't be a prerequisite any longer, of course. :-)

    We have had some discussions internally about the possibilities for a SE-version of MIR Pro, but there's no final decision made up to now.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    We have had some discussions internally about the possibilities for a SE-version of MIR Pro, but there's no final decision made up to now.

    just hopping you will [;)]

    MIR PRO with one or two room(s) [:D]

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    @Dietz said:

    We have had some discussions internally about the possibilities for a SE-version of MIR Pro, but there's no final decision made up to now.

    I did not dare to ask about MIR PRO SE, but please continue your internal discussions 😉

  • :-D ... yes, we will do so. Thanks for your interest!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • MIR for Mac .. don't mind if it's Pro or not :P

  • OK - any news on when MIR Pro might be with us.  I am looking forward to being able to use MIR within my DAW.....

  • Hello How many licenses will MIR Pro come with? I would like the option of being able to use it on either my master or my slave PC. Thanks MOH

  • MIR Pro will come with one license. You will have to swap dongles between the two machines.

    As MIR is thought to be the final stage for mixdown (unlike a "reverb plugin"), this makes sense, I'd say. :-)

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hello Dietz. Is it realist to think that Mir Pro will be released this year? Thank you!

  • Yes, definitely! Actually we planned to release MIR Pro earlier this summer, but then we had some additional ideas both for Vienna Ensemble Pro (which supplies the "framework" for MIR Pro) and MIR Pro itself . Beginning of autumn is a good guess fro today's point-of-view, I'd say.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thank you again for your rapid answer Dietz, very appreciated! I'm really happy that it will be released this autumn, i can't wait for it! :p Maybe you could give me an idea about an other question? Do you have any idea when the string download section will be available? Is it planned to release one? Thank you!

  • Dietz,

    Is this true about both PC and Mac platform ?

    Just eager... !


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    @Migot said:


    Is this true about both PC and Mac platform ?

    Just eager... !



    Is what true? VE Pro has always been cross platform, and if MIR Pro works as part of VE Pro, I can't see that it would stop being cross platform. Or maybe you mean something else.


  • I think Migot meant MIR itself, which was Windows only up to now.

    Yes, MIR Pro will be OS-X compatible from the very beginning.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • October? November? December? =p

  • I'm working on the manual already. 8-]

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Wonderful! This has been a long and tormenting wait.

  • You're telling me!!  ;-)

    Phew. Now MIR will finally do all the things I had written down in that little concept paper about nine years ago ... hopefully the world is ready for its new approach to mixing in general, and spatialization in particular.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Wow really nice.  ;)

    I have a question about MIR Dietz.  With VSL and MIR,  is there a way to obtain a more Hollywood sound like EWQL?  How can i ''blend'' the sound and ''color'' it with MIR  ( without the Vienna Suite or Appassionnata ).  Of course i prefer the sound of VSL than EWQL but for some project an Hollywood sound is sometimes necessary  ;).  Is there a trick that you can give me to obtain a more ''fat'' sound?  Thank you!

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    Hi Vincent,

    I'm hesitating to answer this question, because chances are that you might not like some parts of what I will be writing. 8-]

    One part of the answer is that VSL would have made their instruments sound like EWQL if this is what they were aiming for, really. Obviously they didn't. 😉

    Another part of of the answer is that more or less everybody who is into "that Hollywood sound" will tell you that A) it is a moving target and B) it is to be found more in the arrangement of a piece than the "sound". The "trick" here is to write properly and to know what _defines_ the sound you're calling "Hollywood".

    That said, of course MIR and MIR Pro are mighty tools to change and sculpt the sound of single instruments, big ensembles as well as whole orchestras. Different halls ("Venues") have different colors, not just different reverb lengths. Especially the "Studios and Soundstages"-RoomPack might be what you're looking for.

    In addition, we have built-in lots of "wisdom" about Vienna Instruments into MIR, like the individual, hand-made "Character Presets" for almost each and every instrument we ever released. I have chosen descriptive names for them, so "Lushness" or "Warmth" is actually one of the MIR-instrument-presets for many of our string sections.

    .. the easiest way for you to know wether MIR is what you're after (or not) would be to download the demo version of Vienna MIR right now. MIR Pro will just add to its underlying concept, not take away from it. 😉

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library