I just bought the Alesis ControlPad to trigger VSL Percussions.
But the thing that that I was'nt aware is that it's impossible to ajust the notes lenghts from the controller itself. So the outputed notes are so short that Vienna Instruments is missing some (around 1 on 3) notes when recording. On the playback it's ok. It the same in Logic 9 and Pro Tools 9.
I have found a fix but you need to run a midi utility to change the note lenght. You have to create a virtual midi bus with MidiPipe and add a minimum of 50ms duration to the output notes.
I have trie some solutions from Logic environment transformer to Realtime properties in Pro Tools. Nothing worked.
For a temporary fix it's ok. I wish a can adjust the lenght in the ControlPad but it's design as is and I don't like the pads from other companies like roland SPD-x (too small and comes with internal sounds).
What I don't quite understand is why do I have this problem with VIPro and VEPro and not with BFD and Ultrabeat. Some people says they have this problem with Stylus RMX too.
Is it possible to check this out for a futur release of VSL software. I know it's more a problem with the Alesis controller but it seems that it can be fixed on your side and not their. If BFD is more reponsive to really short notes then why VIPro would'nt be.
Anybody had this problem before?