Oh, thanks. I had about forgot I shared this here (not sure why, I must've really liked it that day). I'm working on [edit: *have*] a better mix, that's one thing...
Someone said it was like something on Uncle Meat I can't recall very well, Zolar Czakl. I noticed from the outset of this project that there are a couple of moments I think FZ either 'remembered' while writing or just stole them outright, so I kind of went for all this, eg., rolled marimba/xylophone in the arrangment as a bit of fun with that idea. The whole thing sounded like prog rock 1913 stylee, I didn't know this piece, but noticed it as I was sharing another Satie cover I did recently on youtube, someone playing this one 'less rubato', and it appeared to me at once to be suitable for a 'tempo giuste' kind of treatment.
Gnossiennes #3: