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  • Try and try again...VEPro won't work properly.

    Hi Forum! First time posting here. I have just recently purchased VEPro for the purpose of using it on my Slave PC to host the majority of my composing VI's. I have been trying for the last two weeks to get this thing to work properly and I just can't. It doesn't matter what settings I use I am constantly getting horrible clicks and pops. I am hoping someone here might be able to help. Here is my setup: MASTER: Windows 7 x64 Motherboard: ASUS Maximus Formula CPU: Intel Q9550 RAM: 8GB DAW: Protools 9.0.0 AUDIO CARD: Digi003R - Blacklion mod SLAVE: Windows 7 x64 Motherboard: ASUS P5Q CPU: Intel Q8220 RAM: 8GB DAW: none AUDIO CARD: none Both of these machines are connected via a gigabit switch ( ) They both have a static IP address Master = Slave = I have done a network throughput test and achieved 914Mbits/sec. I have done a DPC Latency check using this and have no problems. Here are the results if you're interested: My testing has been setup like this: VEPro 64-Bit Server running on SLAVE. 1 Instance loaded which contain 13 instances of EW PLAY. Each instance of PLAY is routed to a different output, resulting in 13 stereo outputs. VEPro Settings are as follows: 1 Thread per instance (have also tried 2, 3 and 4 instances with no improvement) 32 audio ports per instance 16 midi channels My settings in Protools 9.0.0 are as follows: 1 instance of VEPro RTAS plugin on an aux channel. VEPro plugin is set to 1 buffer (have tried none and 2 buffer with no improvement) 13 Stereo Aux channels receiving audio from VEPro outputs Multiple midi channels sending midi to VEPro Server. Protools Buffer set to 1024 (have tried 512, 256 with worse results) I can not get playback on this setup without crippling clicks and pops making it completely useless. I have tried every tweak and setting change I can think of and still no luck. I am finding this to be totally unreliable and I think I will have to abandon trying to use it. I have a project starting imminently that I need to work on. I am very frustrated that I have not been able to get this to work despite the help from numerous people on various forums ( / / ) Perhaps there is something I am still missing? Any help would be very much appreciated. Please and thank you!! Cheers, Andrew

  • Sorry about the formatting!! I couldn't figure out how to make it this how all posts display here?

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    @blizzard said:

    I can not get playback on this setup without crippling clicks and pops making it completely useless. Perhaps there is something I am still missing?


    I don't know. It's hard for me to read that.

    the formatting is 'off' here by default, there is a profile preferences that addresses this. Also, there is a hyperlinks symbol here, which works actually.

    Apparently you have a digi box which is supposed to have good-ish performance. I typically use rather larger templates than what you described, with perfect audio at 128 samples/buffer using Cubase (which is alarmingly slow under OSX) on a master, and a single slave, tripling the buffer effectively in VE Pro ('x2' setting); and at that setting I can do some cute drumming, on time. And there are fx on most busses.

    VE Pro works.

    Aha - you have described one instance and one thread per instance. How many logical threads do you have? Devote most if not all of them to this task and see if that works. Right now here's what I have up: a small sort of combo project; four instances, 24 instruments (one of them an 18-pc BFD2 kit) returning 33 stereo channels with 4 threads per instance, as I have 16 logical threads available. With three instances I'd use 5 threads per, etc. If I tried to distribute the load as you have described, I'd expect poor performance, like back when I had a single CPU.

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    I fixed the formatting on my initial post so that it doesn't make you dizzy when you try and read it!!

    Hi Forum!

    First time posting here. I have just recently purchased VEPro for the purpose of using it on my Slave PC to host the majority of my composing VI's. I have been trying for the last two weeks to get this thing to work properly and I just can't. It doesn't matter what settings I use I am constantly getting horrible clicks and pops. I am hoping someone here might be able to help.

    Here is my setup:

    MASTER: Windows 7 x64

    • Motherboard: ASUS Maximus Formula
    • CPU: Intel Q9550 RAM: 8GB
    • DAW: Protools 9.0.0
    • AUDIO CARD: Digi003R - Blacklion mod

    SLAVE: Windows 7 x64

    • Motherboard: ASUS P5Q
    • CPU: Intel Q8220
    • RAM: 8GB
    • DAW: none
    • AUDIO CARD: none

    Both of these machines are connected via a gigabit switch ( ) They both have a static IP address

    Master = Slave =

    I have done a network throughput test and achieved 914Mbits/sec. I have done a DPC Latency check using this and have no problems. Here are the results if you're interested:

    My testing has been setup like this:

    • VEPro 64-Bit Server running on SLAVE.
    • 1 Instance loaded which contain 13 instances of EW PLAY.
    • Each instance of PLAY is routed to a different output, resulting in 13 stereo outputs.

    VEPro Settings are as follows:

    • 1 Thread per instance (have also tried 2, 3 and 4 instances with no improvement)
    • 32 audio ports per instance
    • 16 midi channels

    My settings in Protools 9.0.0 are as follows:

    • 1 instance of VEPro RTAS plugin on an aux channel.
    • VEPro plugin is set to 1 buffer (have tried none and 2 buffer with no improvement)
    • 13 Stereo Aux channels receiving audio from VEPro outputs
    • Multiple midi channels sending midi to VEPro Server.
    • Protools Buffer set to 1024 (have tried 512, 256 with worse results)

    I can not get playback on this setup without crippling clicks and pops making it completely useless. I have tried every tweak and setting change I can think of and still no luck. I am finding this to be totally unreliable and I think I will have to abandon trying to use it. I have a project starting imminently that I need to work on. I am very frustrated that I have not been able to get this to work despite the help from numerous people on various forums ( / / )

    Perhaps there is something I am still missing? Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Please and thank you!!

    Cheers, Andrew

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    @civilization 3 said:

    Aha - you have described one instance and one thread per instance. How many logical threads do you have? Devote most if not all of them to this task and see if that works. Right now here's what I have up: a small sort of combo project; four instances, 24 instruments (one of them an 18-pc BFD2 kit) returning 33 stereo channels with 4 threads per instance, as I have 16 logical threads available. With three instances I'd use 5 threads per, etc. If I tried to distribute the load as you have described, I'd expect poor performance, like back when I had a single CPU.

    I am going to look into what you mentioned about threads. Just to confirm, when you say "thread" do you mean 'Cores'? I am getting confused with all the different terminology involved while trouble shooting. 

    Both of my machines are Quad Core (Q9550 & Q8220). So as fas as I know I only have 4 threads available.

  • 'threads' in this particular terminology = 'cores'. if you have a quad core, you might have eight logical cores. if your preferences in VE Pro show you up to 8 as an option, you do. if you have one instance, use ALL of your cores. Your OS on your slave [edit:] shouldn't be doing anything else to speak of really. if the math doesn't sum, play it safe but use as many as you can. EG: Assigning say 4 cores per instance to 3 instances isn't a good idea unless you have 12 or more. but again, my most prevalent use has been 4x4=all 16 and I'm very happy with the performance.

    If you find that maxing out the threads/cores problematic, your OS is running things in the background automatically and I would take that under advisement.