1. Load Superior Drummer 2 or EZDrummer into a persistent VE Pro server instance - 32 or 64 bit - and save it as a metaframe.
2. Quit VE Pro, then re-launch VE Pro and load the metaframe. The instance will load with VE's audio engine off. If you look at the SD2/EZD plugin, you will see that it has not loaded any samples.
3. Turn on the audio engine for that VE Pro instance. You will notice that the SD2/EZD will then load the samples. This is all fine and good, but.....
Here is where the first bug is: If you connect to this VE Pro instance without first manually activating its audio engine as in step 3 above, the SD2/EZD will permanently remain with NO samples loaded, and there is no way to make it re-load the samples until you close and reload the VE metaframe, or instantiate another SD2/EZD plug-in.
In addition, it seems dodgy with regards to connects and disconnects. At some point, even after loading the samples successfully, I have found that it will have unloaded them upon the next time your DAW connects to this VE Pro instance.