First a comment on automating or controlling VI Pro when used by itself. VI Pro has a handy Tab called "Ctrl Map" in Advanced view that tells you what CC numbers control what functions. You can also assign CC numbers in Basic View in the small box that appears just above the faders. One can then set up individual instances of VI Pro within Logic on separate Tracks for each instrument you want to control (violin, horns, etc.) and use Hyper Editor or Hyper Draw to provide CC values to control each of the CC numbers (CC11, for example, affects "breath" and is can be assigned to Expression). So far so good.
Now we purchase Vienna Ensemble Pro, treating it as a multi-timbral instrument when we set it up on a track of Logic when we establish a New Track with each instance of VE Pro allowing 16 "timbrals", or individual instruments, violin, horns etc. Using procedures outlined in the VE Pro Reference Manual, we connect to the VE Pro Server and can proceed to add VI Pro instances WITHIN VE Pro. Each is assigned a channel number for input VE Pro Plug-In 1, for example, and there are what I take to be SUBCHANNELs (omni, 1, 2, etc.) for receipt of incoming midi data. Sound is output through the busses found at the bottom of each VI Pro channel fader (Master Bus, Net 1/Net 2), etc. These procedures are explained in the VE Pro Manual under "Vienna Ensemble PRO Routing." Again, so far so good. This leaves unanswered how to control or automate VI Pro instances using MIDI CC data once they are set up within VE Pro.
My question is this: Within Logic how do I specify (a) which CC number, within (b) which VI Pro instrument, within (c) which instance of VE Pro (since one can establish several) is to receive MIDI data and thus control (or automate) a given VI Pro instrument within VE Pro? I assume one merely selects a given track representing a channel within VE Pro (the tracks that are set up below the initial VE Pro instance) and then opens up Hyper Draw or Hyper Editor to begin entering MIDI CC values for given MIDI CC control numbers (volume, Expression, CC2, and so on). In such case, we are to assume that the "channels" we are seeing in the Track information for the selected Track, in fact, represent SUBCHANNELS within a Master Channel (which is the main conduit, as it were, for MIDI data travelling from the sequencer to the VE Pro server). I am also confused as to whether the checkboxes that appear when using Hyper Draw ("Channel" and "Number") need to be checked or not checked (with the appropriate Channel and number being selected), and whether these checkboxes now represent Subchannels WITHIN VE Pro, NOT within Logic itself.
A brief general explanation and a step-by-step how to, similar to that which appears in the VE Pro Reference Manual for initial set up of VE Pro within Logic, would be greatly appreciated.
It would be helpful, if the VE Pro Reference Manual were amended to include information on how to set up MIDI control of VI Pro Instruments within VE Pro. It would also be helpful to indicate how to automate faders and other elements of VE Pro itself (I believe there is a thread on this latter subject). Finally, a small point, the VE Pro Reference Manual says that channels can be moved, "Move channels in the Channel Pane according to your prferences", Manual p. 14. However, it does not tell you how to do this. I have tried click-drag to no avail.