Hello Vienna specialists.
I am a happy customer using the complete Vienna Special edition plus/extension, Vienna Ensemble Pro, Vienna Suite and want to add other 32bit instruments ( Etno / EWQL /Kontakt NI) running on another networked PC.
Main workstation is a MacPro 8-core 12 Gb Ram running on SnowLeopard 10.6.4 64 bit and Protools9 64bit
I use a downloaded tutorial template running two (64 bit) Vienna Ensemble Pro Instances ( both within Vienna 64bit Server on the MacPro)
This way I have 32 midichannels (instruments) to work with. All works fine!
Now I want to add other virtual instruments on a networked PC ( Quad Core 2.8Ghz Intel / Windows XP professional 4Gb Ram) so I started a 32 bit Vienna Server on that PC. In that server I added an instance of ViennaEnsemble 32bit and routed midi in from VEPro midi 2 port ad output to Net 21/22
If I try to create a virtual instrument VE Pro on the Mac I see the PC's 32bit VE instance in the list to connect to.
When I select it in the server window and Clik on connect it says :: "Cannot connect :versions do not match;
In the same server window an alternative 64bit instance on the localhost(MacPro) is offered, that one does connect well...
Remaining question: How can I get the PC's Ensemble Pro 32bit working via Network within Protools/ the SnowLeopard 64 bit ?
I understood that you can combine a number of PC's sharing the workload and now I want to benefit from that without upgrading the PC to Windows7, because then all applications on that PC need to be reinstalled/licenced )
Please give me a step by step instruction or a reference to a document where it is all explained
Tjeu Geelen