I just got the Vienna Solostrings Extended package to my door and I decided to install it directly excitet as I was. And everything works fine untill the 6th .cab file is being copied to my hard-drive. When the installation window is saying: "Writing 01 Solo Violin\SoloViolin25.dat..." Then a message box appears that says:
"Cannot read installation package (file is corrupted?)
DVD Collections: Your DVD drive might be overheating. Please take a brake between the installation DVD's or copy the content of all DVD's to a temporary folder on your harddrive. Then point the Library Installer to the package.info file in this newly created folder and your installation will start from here.
Download Instruments: Please re-download D:\\setup-solostrings06.cab file of this Instrument from the VSL User Area once again. Make sure to empty the cache of your browser before."
Then the whole intsallation is being abortet and all the files deleted. I tried to do as you suggest and copy the files to my hard-drive first, but it didn't help. What should I do?
I am using windows 7, 32 bit. brand new computer by the way, professionally built for music making...
What should I do? I tried to open all the windows so that the room got really cold. It didn't help. I mean I just purchased this product goddamit! Thanx for any help!