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  • Errikos--I will certainly stick to the heart of the matter without getting distracted by unrelated discussions that may have been going on long before I even got here. The idea that we are here to discuss has excited me enough to put me in no mood to battle. Instead it has put me in a mood of creative idea-bouncing.

    Clruwe--I think I misunderstood one of your previous posts where you seemed to disagree that this was a good idea. You're a wind instrumentalist? So it sounds like you understand pretty much my entire recording method, but I'm involved with music for pleasure so I have no time limitations like you do, and prefer the benefit of that "human feel" that comes from playing the parts in individually enough to invest the extra amount of time it requires. And you're definitely not the only one who needs to play a few takes to get it right, plus some editing after getting a good take.

    Hm do you have an example of the kind of musical gesture that's causing you trouble? Without hearing it, this sounds like a ton of "dove-tailing" would be required but I don't have enough experience with VSL yet to be able to give any advice on pulling it off well.

  • Looks like the Sibelius development team is up for grabs.  If VSL did want to go in that direction, this would be the moment!

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • Ooo! What is that mean? Please explain.... (eager)

  • Never mind... I just looked it up.

  • I would like them to make it an OS too. People running VE on slaves usually only use them for that specific purpouse anyway. So why not create a very limited VEpro OS based on Linux. Or linux support (why on earth is there no linux support?).. either way is fine as long as i don't have to pay for an extra pro version of Windows just to run VEpro ^^,

    And after they make it an OS, they can add the sequencer part, then you will have a dedicated audio OS and sequencer that is integrated with eachother for maximum performance and stability :)

    Well, it would be nice :)

  • Haha now we're suddenly in the realm of a VSL OS. Well, they already sell the Angelbird SSDs, why not just make the whole computer too? Hmm our wishlist is growing longer and longer.

  • I've actually found that PT's with Sibelius onboard works fairly well! But, being a musician, I still prefer to play each instrument into seperate midi tracks (in PT's). Saves editing in Sibelius strictly to notation, and audio in PT's. I do use Sibelius on almost every score though for something to read from, do to old age and not much memery left. Also being a pianist, and starting on logic years ago when it was known as 'Creator/Notator', useing the piano roll became easy. Notator was 1st just a sequencer then added notation. At that time it was made and sold by a company in Germany. (Sorry about the history lesson, just being a little nostalgic??!!). As for a DAW,, I don't know? There are so many more probs involved in creating 1 from scratch. But with VSL's track record of creating the fantastic tools that they have given us,,, who knows, a fresh new DAW with their abilities and insight could be just what we need!! There is no limit to what they could do,,,,,, Mike

  • Times of crissis are times of oportunities. I hear that avid is clossing the Sibelius UK team. Maybe VSL should buy Sibelius and then we all will be very happy :)

  • Now it is 2014 ... 

    One question to the developers:

    Is a Sequencer still NOT a topic? ...

    Yes, No or maybe are enough as an answer ...


    Kind Regards


  • Hi Lars, 

    A sequencer application is not a topic for us.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL