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  • Newcomer setting up - which Mac is best?

    Hi all I'm brand new here and can really use some advice. I'm setting up a small home studio for my own use - mainly for composing and to get into media/film composing later on. I have done a lot of research and reading and everybody I talk to seem to have a different opinion regarding what is best to start up with. The options are endless and I'm finding it difficult to make a decision. I'm thinking of getting the MacBook Pro and adding some extra RAM. I will be running Pro Tools (M-Audio), VSL and Sibelius on it. I won't be doing a lot of traveling so I could also go for the iMac or MacPro. If you had to start from scratch, what would be in your home studio if you knew then what you know now? I wouldn't want to overspend but also not underspend... what is the safest option? Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

  • I'd say go for the biggest Mac Pro that you can afford. The expansion capabilities are much better for the long run. The MacBook Pros are nice, but their main advantage is portability. If you want to save money, but your Mac from the Apple refurb shop (they're just like new, and often come with unadvertised bonus options at no extra charge).

    Also, keep in mind that if your goal is doing large orchestral things (or any work that uses a lot of VIs), PT is not going to be your best choice. You'd be a lot better off using Logic Pro (it's 64 bit, so you won't have memory restrictions, plus all the off-line capabilities, advanced midi capabilities, screen sets, etc., etc. are fantastic for composition). 

    Two large monitors will also make life easier.

  • Hi Yvette,

    Lee is right, for the best performance get a Mac Pro. That being said, I use a Macbook Pro and Logic and am extremely happy with it. I've got the 2010 MBP with 8 GBs of ram. The music I write hasn't needed any more than 50 tracks and everything sounds as smooth as silk. I did add an external monitor which is great, but I swore off desktops years ago because of lack of space and this combination works great for me.

  • Thanks so much Lee & JET! This helps a lot.

  • thanks for information...