Well, I have seen mistakes all over with the 'east wurst tomatoes' company but I finally found one with VSL... I just wanted to let whoever at VSL know that I found 3 mistakes in the Glockenspiel that comes with the Special Edition.
Bb4, E5, & C6 all have a drum (what sounds like a timpani) resonating with the pitch. I'm not trying to nit-pick but they are pretty obvious. The C6 is the softest of the three, but the other two are much more obvious. If you turn on Vel.XF with the crossfader at 127 you'll hear it on all three pretty easily.
I doubt a glockenspiel is on the top of the VSL priority list, but I wanted to post this because a search for the instrument didn't bring this up and I didn't know if I could just email someone.