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  • Upgrading VSL Special Edition (and PLUS) with downloadable content


    I have the Special Edition and Special Edition Plus DVD collections. I'd be interested in purchasing / unlocking the downloadable extended content for the strings. Is this possible?

    I notice the Buy Now box is greyed out for the downloadable SE Strings Extended content, for example, when I log in. Is my only option to purchase the Extended licenses for the whole collection at once (i.e. strings, woodwinds, brass etc)? That would be disappointing.

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    Hello Hint,

    Unfortunately you cannot mix DVD products and download products of the Special Edition. Here is an overview.

    Sorry to have no better news.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • OK - thanks for the reply Paul. I was hoping to be able to move onto the Chamber & Appassionata Strings, but I don't really need things like the extra woodwinds yet.

    It's a shame that it's not possible. Am I right in thinking that I have the content already on my Special Edition DVDs and all that would be needed is a way to unlock this content for use in the instrument? Is it a restriction in the software, or simply a restriction put in place to avoid complicating the licensing process?

    Might it be possible to allow the unlocking of different sections of the extended libraries in the Special Editions at some point in the future (with a software update, for example)?

    Regards, Jon

  • Hello Jon,

    Each collection consists of a Standard and Extended Library, and the Extended Library always needs the corresponding Standard Library (it´s like an upgrade).

    Now each collection has a specific license. DVD Collections, Download Collections, even if they have the same content (like in the Special Editions).This information is connected to the content and cannot be changed.

    I´m afraid this will not change, as this is a restriction that comes through the copy protection system.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • OK - all understood.

    Thanks again for the information Paul.

  • Well - it could be changed in the future if the DVD Special edition would for ex. consist of 4 Licences (Strings, WW, Brass, other), if you buy the Std.lib you'd get 4 codes, later you could upgrade each section individually.

  • Hi!

    I am also not sure if the Appas Special Edition will please your needs (Only Staccato and Sustained Samples) - Muted in Plus